3-1. Linux/::Configuration::

[무조건 긁어오기] How to change source SMTP IP address in sendmail

coriahn 2008. 5. 30. 17:08

How to change source SMTP IP address in sendmail

Follow the steps below, if you want to change the source SMTP ip address in sendmail.

1) change the line below in sendmail.cf

#O ClientPortOptions=Family=inet, Address=x.x.x.x
O ClientPortOptions=Family=inet, Address=<ip address you want>

3) restart sendmail

Send a test mail and check its header. The source IP address should have changed ;)

2 Responses to “How to change source SMTP IP address in sendmail”

Good One !!!!

I think it will be useful to list the steps to change source SMTP IP if exim is the MTA. Here comes the steps

1. Edit /etc/exim.conf with your favorite editor.
2. Locate the section of the file that contains the following:
driver = smtp
3. Replace this section with the following modified version :
driver = smtp
interface =
4. Restart Exim

펌d by http://mohammednv.wordpress.com/2008/04/24/how-to-change-source-smtp-ip-address-in-sendmail/